Thursday, February 22, 2024

Synopsis of Korean Drama [Reading Log]






Why I am interesting to read




Gyeongseong Creature

I was watched it before, but passed the episode 1 and 2.

How plot of the series begun?



To be compare between

synopsis and the series.

Would it be the same? Or there anything that I missed?





Previously, it had not been said that episodes 8-10 would be released. But this was announced to be broadcast as a continuation of the previous 7 episodes.

What is the relationship between Sheisin and Maeda? Who drank the Najin? What happen to the Jeonson people who saved themselves?


Activity Date : 10th Feb 2024



09.40 - 10.30


Gyeongseong Creature (K-Drama)

Episodes 1-2



Jang Tae Sang (Park Seo Joon)

Yoon Chae Ok (Han So Hee)

Yoon Jung Wo (Jo Han Chul)

Yukiko Maeda (Claudia Kim)

Ishikawa (Kim Do Hyun)

Myeong Ja (Ji Woo)

Kwon Jun Taek (Wi Ha Joon)

Colonel Kato (Choi Young Joon)

Main points of the story

*  Episode 1 has the title “Najin” that opened this episode. Najin is creature that can turning its host to be a monster.Jang Tae Sang, a successful young man who owns a pawnhouse, is accused of having an affair with Yukiko Maeda, Ishikawa’s wife. However, the accution was a distraction and forced from Ishikawa to look for Myeong Ja.

* Yoon Chae Ok and Yoon Jung Wo also search for someone named Sachimoto. Finally Jang Tae Sang of this search met them, who is known as someone who can search for treasures, objects, or people. Jang Tae Sang and Yoon Chae Ok meeting made dramatic and romantic in the same time, but they in the end still work together. This episode also shows dangers that they will face in this search.

* Episode 2 entitled “Mother” is starting point for the search at Ong Seong Hospital. This hospital has secret of creating monster that made by Najin as mentioned in episode 1. Jang Tae Sang, Yoon Chae Ok, and Yoon Jung Wo borrowing Kwon Jun Taek identity for enter this hospital, in the reason that only be allowed to entered by Japanese residents and officials in Korea at that time. They met first mistery caused the hospital to be immediately emptied. There are known Korean fighters who lost their families inside. This episode also shows a monster figure in its entirety.



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Opening of the series as introduction the characters and complication of the story. It makes us wonder what really happened to the missing people, isn’t it?


Day 2


Activity Date : 11 th Feb 2024



15.44 - 16.12


Gyeongseong Creature (K-Drama)

Episode 3-5



 Jang Tae Sang

Yoon Chae Ok

Yoon Jung Wo

Yukiko Maeda


Myeong Ja

Kwon Jun Taek

Lieutenant Kato

Director Ichiro


Gu Gap Pyeong

Na Yeong Chun


(Park Seo Joon)

(Han So Hee)

(Jo Han Chul)

(Claudia Kim)

(Kim Do Hyun)

(Ji Woo)

(Wi Ha Joon)

(Choi Young Joon)

(Hyun Bong Sik)

(Kang Mal Geum)

(Park Ji Hwan)

(Ok Ja Yeon)


Main points of the story



   In episode 3, Yoon Chae Ok saves Japanese soldiers (Joseon people) from committing suicide. The soldier gave instructions about the plan of Ongseong hospital to her in return. On the other hand, Jang Tae Sang looked for Sachimoto  (Japanese painter) who was being sought by Yoon Chae Ok and found clues from Na Yeong Chun’s Moonlight Bar. Finally, Jang Tae Sang met Sachimoto and headed to Ongseong Hospial together to save Myeong Ja, Chae Ok, and Jung Won. Kwon Jun Taek also provided ideas and energy for this mission. Meanwhile, Gapyeong and Mr. Wang is in charge of setting off freecrackers near Ongseong hospital as signal to Chae Ok and others that they will save them.

*    The search for someone’s whereabouts begins. Episode 4 entitled “Imprinting” brings Chae Ok to meet Sachimoto, a painter who knows her mothers’s identity. However in this episode, Sachimoto still chooses to remain silent. Jang Tae Sang and Kwon Jun Taek start their respective goals; looking for whereabouts of Akiko and his nationalist party collegues. The monster project in Ongseong reveal as related to the Japanese government. Apart from Kato and Ichiro, Yukiko Maeda is also involved in this project.

*   Episode 5 shows first fight of Jang Tae Sang and Yoon Chae Ok for Ongseong’s monster. Also revealed the monster figure and about their relationship, that is Yoon Chae Ok’s mother (Sheisin) as experiment object. 

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So many surprises and regrets in the part, bit it’s still okay to read.



Day 3


Acitivity Date : 13th Feb 2024



09.50 - 11.45


Gyeongseong Creature (K-Drama)

Episodes 6-8



Jang Tae Sang

Yoon Chae Ok

Yoon Jung Wo

Yukiko Maeda


Myeong Ja

Kwon Jun Taek

Lieutenant Kato

Director Ichiro


Gu Gap Pyeong


(Park Seo Joon)

(Han So Hee)

(Jo Han Chul)

(Claudia Kim)

(Kim Do Hyun)

(Ji Woo)

(Wi Ha Joon)

(Choi Young Joon)

(Hyun Bong Sik)

(Kang Mal Geum)

(Park Ji Hwan)


Main points of the story

*      Episode 6 is entitled “Chaos”. Yoon Chae Ok and Jang Tae Sang fully knows about the creature figure that Kato and Ichiro made as Japanese weapon to win a war at that time. Not only that, the monster that almost killed them is Sheisin, Yoon Chae Ok mother. Even though it has turned into a creature, but still has human instincts. Besides, Korean people are tried to saved themselves from Ongseong building. It supported by a plan that had been prepared by Jang Tae Sang ago. They confronting Ishikawa that Akiko was in that place.

*    Episode 7 being the last episode that shows last step Jang Tae Sang and Yoon Chae Ok to save themselves from Ongseong. But this is ultimately imperfect self-rescue mission. Even tough Yoon Chae Ok and Jang Tae Sang have got they goal, but more terrifying mystery continues to emerge. Fisrt, Jang Tae Sang sacrified himself to repel the Japanese soldiers, so that Yoon Chae Ok and others can saved themselves from Ongseong. Second, there were potential appear another monster outside Ongseong. It is caused Kato realized Najin that he gave to Yoon Chae Ok was drunk by another. Third, Yoon Chae Ok and Yoon Joong Wo should be free outside Ongseong. However, Jang Tae Sang predicted not longer survive.

*      Episode 8, in this episode Maeda met Jang Tae Sang while want to check on Sheisin’s condition. Because of they relationship, Maeda helped Jang Tae Sang out of Ongseong hospital. On the other hand, Gu Gapyeong (House of Golden Treasure’s employees) tortured by Japanese Police for freeing Joseon prisoners. Kwon Jun Taek condition is still unstable after the incident, he seemed to be deep trauma and experiencing mental disorder. Jang Tae Sang manage to survive and freeing Bonjeong traders in the police office. And finally after a long time, Jang Tae Sang and Yoon Chae Ok also met each other. Lieutenant Kato said that the weakness of the Najin predator were fire, sunlight, and nitrogen gas. In the middle of urban Gyeongseong, Myeong Ja or Akiko attacked Jang Tae Sang and Yoon Chae Ok that tried to save her from police. The police chased her caused she murders and took the brain victims.  

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See? How big and long the obstacles were that Korean people faced at that time. This teaches true loyalty and patience; patriotism also requires great sacrifice. This film is a documentary about the Japanese and Korean wars; hopefully bad things like that never happen again.


Day 4


Activity Date : 14th Feb 2024



19.08 – 19.31



Gyeongseong Creature (K-Drama)

Episodes 9-10





Jang Tae Sang

Yoon Chae Ok

Yoon Jung Wo

Yukiko Maeda


Myeong Ja

Kwon Jun Taek

Lieutenant Kato

Director Ichiro


Gu Gap Pyeong

Beom O


(Park Seo Joon)

(Han So Hee)

(Jo Han Chul)

(Claudia Kim)

(Kim Do Hyun)

(Ji Woo)

(Wi Ha Joon)

(Choi Young Joon)

(Hyun Bong Sik)

(Kang Mal Geum)

(Park Ji Hwan)

(Ahn Ji Ho)


Main points of the story

*      It was finally reavealed that Akiko had consumed Najin’s liquid and was surrounded by the police, including Ishikawa himself. It cannot be denied; Akiko has killed and consumed many  victims as her prey, so it cannot be ignored. However, Ishikawa was finally attacked by Akiko and was critically injured. Until, for some reason, Ishikawa could not be helped. He is known to have died with honor in the community. Jang Tae Sang and Yoon Chae Ok make some plan about Ongseong hospital, but then we realised that Chae Ok act alone first by herself. It takes her go back to the hospital cause have shot Ichiro’s head at Ishikawa’s funeral. Tae Sang say to Maeda that will find Chae Ok no matter what. Maeda incites Tae Sang by revealing that he has no strength because the people closest to him have betrayed him. Finally Tae Sang gave answer that declared war on Maeda.

*      In episode 10 there narration of Chae Ok that wanna live normally. But then Maeda reveal that she knew her mother.

In Ongseong hospital, the three main characters are fight there. They try to save themselves, stop the experiment, and destroy the place. Unfortunately, just Tae Sang, Chae Ok, and Sachimoto that saved, Yoon Jung Won blew himself with Seishin hoping to leave peacefully with his wife. Tae Sang and Chae Ok then need go to the Incheon with their ship awaits. However, while Beom-o deliver a suitcase, he is watched by someone. Maeda knows Tae Sang and Chae Ok presence. They fight with Maeda’s men but seem to be losing. Until Seishin comes then rescue and kills all of the men. Unfortunately, Seishin also thinks that Tae sang is the one of the bad guy too. The tentacles then spread but Chae Ok protect tae Sang until her body pierce by her mother. Chae Ok die and ends her breath on Tae Sang’s arms.

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(melarikan diri)



What a great plot of series! It’s unforgettable drama action I’ve ever watch and read.


If you could exist in the story, in what scene would you like to appear? And what's the story?

In section when Yoon Chae Ok finished off Ichiro, I think it is the most brave action ‘cause surely she knows will face harder things. If I can exist there, I would be Yoon Chae Ok and tell or leave a message for somebody, either Jang Tae Sang or Griya House of Golden Treasure people. At least, Jang Tae Sang and others can make another plan to keep their time effectively. Besides all can be protective about Maeda’s presence and situation, so the incident at the temple was unlikely to occur. Then, how about you, guys?



News on the Week [Reading Log]

Day 1 Monday Date : 8 April 2024 Time 05.30 – 06.05 AM Title 1. Officials say FAFS...